In 4th or 5th grade, I borrowed this book, "The Greatest Salesman in the World," by Og Mandino. I read it from cover to cover. I had no idea what it meant, but I liked the story.
When I was an adult and wanted to run my own business, I asked my dad if I could buy his food-broker business. I wanted to move back to Oregon when my husband left the Air Force so we could be closer to relatives and friends. My dad's response was, "Sales are too tricky for girls."
So our family moved to Wisconsin, my husband got a job as a financial analyst, and I started my own company. I set off to the National Speakers Association to learn how to become a motivational speaker. The evening keynote speaker was Og Mandino. I couldn't afford to attend all of the sessions for the conference, so I snuck in to massive ballroom to hear Og speak. He was not only a great salesman, but he was a fabulous speaker.
A few months later, Og died. I was glad that I had snuck in to see him speak before his tragic accident.
A few months later, Og died. I was glad that I had snuck in to see him speak before his tragic accident.
Many years and many moves later.... I've decided to return to return to an industry I love: networking, promoting, and selling professional speakers, authors & consultants.
Last Sunday I found an old copy of The Greatest Salesman in the World in a "free book" box at church. Now I know exactly what Og was talking about.
"Strive to be a millionaire, not for the money it will bring you, but for the person you will become along the way."
Message for the Day:
- What are some of the well-meaning messages that loved ones have told you that are not true?
- Forgive them today.
- When was the last time you read a book that changed your life?
- Do it today.
- Who are people in your life that you want to meet? With social media, it's easier than ever to engage with people you admire.
- Make a connection today.