"A network is an organized collection of your personal contacts and your persona contacts' own network. Networking is finding fast whom you need to get when you need to get them in any given situation and helping others do the same." -Harvey Mackay, author, "Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty"
Networking: A network provides a path, a way of getting from point A to point B in the shortest possible time over the least possible distance.
In every moment, "You are either networking or being "networked." For me, the most successful networking opportunities are spontaneous conversations that sprout out of nowhere. In line the grocery store. Sitting next to someone one an airplane. An e-mail from someone who saw your post in an on-line forum.
Too often people think that networking is collecting a lot of business cards at the Friday night Chamber of Commerce Wine & Cheese Party. Yes, business cards are handy (they have all sorts of good info like Name, phone #, and e-mail address.) But more important than collecting business cards/contact information is creating new relationships. Real relationships...not relationships based on a hidden agenda. (Can't you tell when someone strikes up a conversation to sell you something, not because they really care about getting to know you?)
If you want to build your business through networking...keep collecting business cards, but remember that it's more important to build relationships. Practice really getting to know people. Genuinely care about them and what they do. If they are passionate about their work, chances are they are good at it too.
People like doing business with people they like. And people like people who are like them. Leveraged networking is about tapping into the people that people know, and nobody is going to want to share their valuable contacts with you unless they "know you." Trust is the key to meaningful relationships and only time will truly expose people for their true intentions.
One of the best tag lines I ever saw was for a woman's conference I attended back in the mid 90's. It was titled, "Uncommon Women on Common Ground." It was an event put on by Women, Inc. (a former non-profit organization for entrepreneurial women.) I was sitting in the hotel lobby and started chatting with the lady next to me. I had no idea who she was. It didn't matter. I was excited and my ride was late. I just started talking. I told her I loved the conference and I was so glad that someone had put together such a great event for new entrepreneurs. To make a long story short, she was one of the co-founders of Women Inc. She asked me to stay in touch. I sent her a thank you letter when I got home. She invited me to speak at their next event and I later became their National Spokeswoman.
This taught me that networking takes place any time. Any where. Start today. Be yourself. Make some friends. Have some fun. And watch your business grow!
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